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diffoscope 152 released

18 Jul 2020 — Chris Lamb

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 152. This version includes the following changes:

[ Chris Lamb ]

* Bug fixes:

  - Don't require zipnote(1) to determine differences in a .zip file as we
    can use libarchive directly.

* Reporting improvements:

  - Don't emit "javap not found in path" if it is available in the path but
    it did not result in any actual difference.
  - Fix "... not available in path" messages when looking for Java
    decompilers; we were using the Python class name (eg. "<class
    ''>") over the actual command we looked
    for (eg. "javap").

* Code improvements:

  - Replace some simple usages of str.format with f-strings.
  - Tidy inline imports in diffoscope.logging.
  - In the RData comparator, always explicitly return a None value in the
    failure cases as we return a non-None value in the "success" one.

[ Jean-Romain Garnier ]
* Improve output of side-by-side diffs, detecting added lines better.
  (MR: reproducible-builds/diffoscope!64)
* Allow passing file with list of arguments to ArgumentParser (eg.
  "diffoscope @args.txt"). (MR: reproducible-builds/diffoscope!62)

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

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